He can’t forget the love he once had.

Let Go: The Prelude is a short award winning romantic drama written and directed by Arek Zasowski. It was filmed on the island of Cyprus in 2017.

It is the very first short film written, directed and produced by Arek Zasowski, at the time, the first-time filmmaker.

After losing love of his life, Tiffany, and returning home from one of his expeditions to a jungle in South America, an adventurer archaeologist, Henk (Arek Zasowski) is struggling to recover and return to his normal life.

Released in 2017, Let Go: The Prelude was for the first time officially selected by a film festival and screened with live audience at the Cyprus International Film Festival “Golden Aphrodite” in Cyprus. Since then, Let Go: The Prelude won multiple film awards at film festivals including: Best Supporting Actress awarded to Viola Zasowska (the first-time actress, for portraying the role of Tiffany) at the Vegas Movie Awards in Las Vegas, NV, and winning Best Romance Short at the Culver City Film Festival in Los Angeles, CA.

Let Go: The Prelude

LET GO: THE PRELUDE on IMDbLet Go: The Prelude (2017)Arek Zasowski
Arek Zasowski on IMDb

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